Due to closed schools, jobs, and the shut down economy, parents and families in North Lexington are struggling to provide basic necessities for their families. Common Good has already been there, along side of these families, providing community and familial development and has now shifted into helping to providing relief and emergency assistance.

Watch now to see my conversation with Executive Director, Laura Rice Gallaher , and see how the staff of Common Good is stepping in and up to the front lines to help families and how you can help too!


Mark Walz, Jr.

Mark is a jack-of-all-trades business developer who loves to learn. He has his hands in brand development and strategy, email marketing, website development, social media marketing, videography, and photography. He has worked with multiple businesses, including restaurants, non-profits, nutritionists, lawyers, models, and photographers. Mark is also a gifted writer and loves to tell and craft stories through the medium of both the written and spoken word. Through his work and consulting, he has learned that proper business development is all about personality, authenticity, and storytelling. Mark is quirky, eccentric, a fast-learner, a status quo challenger, and most of all, he is authentic. This attribute has allowed him to be open and honest with clients and to develop a trust that allows the out-of-the-box ideas to be designed and executed.

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